Source code for pyrate.cli

"""Provides a command line interface to the pyrate library

The command line interface (CLI) expects that a configuration file named
'aistool.conf' is located in the current folder.

If the config file is not present, a runtime error is raised, and the commands
`set_default` can be used to generate a default configuration file.

import logging
from configparser import ConfigParser
from pyrate import loader
import argparse
import os
from pyrate import get_resource_filename
from pyrate.config_setter import gen_default_config

[docs]def main(): """ The command line interface Type `pyrate --help` for help on how to use the command line interface """ logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # load tool components config = ConfigParser() configfilepath = 'aistool.conf' l=None if os.path.exists(configfilepath): logger.debug(configfilepath) l = loader.Loader(config) else: logger.warn("The expected configuration file 'aistool.conf' is not present in this folder. " "Please move to the correct folder, or run set_default to initialise " "the current directory.") # return def list_components(args): print("{} repositories:".format(len(l.get_data_repositories()))) for repository in l.get_data_repositories(): print("\t" + repository) print("{} algorithms:".format(len(l.get_algorithms()))) for algorithm in l.get_algorithms(): print("\t" + algorithm) def execute_repo_command(args): l.execute_repository_command(args.repo, args.cmd) def execute_algorithm(args): l.execute_algorithm_command(args.alg, args.cmd) # set up command line parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="AIS Super tool") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='available commands') parser_list = subparsers.add_parser('set_default', help='Setup default config file and folder structure') parser_list.set_defaults(func=gen_default_config) parser_list = subparsers.add_parser('list', help='list loaded data repositories and algorithms') parser_list.set_defaults(func=list_components) if (l != None): for r in l.get_data_repositories(): repo_parser = subparsers.add_parser(r, help='commands for '+ r +' repository') repo_subparser = repo_parser.add_subparsers(help=r+' repository commands.') for cmd, desc in l.get_repository_commands(r): cmd_parser = repo_subparser.add_parser(cmd, help=desc) cmd_parser.set_defaults(func=execute_repo_command, cmd=cmd, repo=r) for a in l.get_algorithms(): alg_parser = subparsers.add_parser(a, help='commands for algorithm '+ a +'') alg_subparser = alg_parser.add_subparsers(help=a+' algorithm commands.') for cmd, desc in l.get_algorithm_commands(a): alg_parser = alg_subparser.add_parser(cmd, help=desc) alg_parser.set_defaults(func=execute_algorithm, cmd=cmd, alg=a) args = parser.parse_args() if 'func' in args: args.func(args) else: parser.print_help()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()